Senin, 19 September 2011

Cardio Respiratory Endurance and MMA

For anyone decides to start training for MMA, fitness is a big problem. Fitness is the key to success and successful fighters will tell you to put an elite level helped them during their difficult career. Fitness is the goal of all athletes should strive for-point is where to start?

to get fit is not defined by type of activity / sport you do, but how long you can do and at what level of intensity. Fitness takes time, patience and a lot of energy.

One of the important factors in fitness is a strong cardio-respiratory endurance. If you are constantly out of breath and tired, then you will definitely need to work on it before with regard to the fight. Each athlete must build your cardio respiratory status before he / she can compete in any sport. After getting better all the components of fitness game start to improve.

Cardio respiratory endurance is defined as the ability of the body of the heart and lungs (respiratory) oxygen (fuel) during the period of continued physical activity / stress.

In all the individuals ability to maintain a physically demanding sport requires that the heart continues to pump oxygenated blood to your muscles, then take away waste products. Every body needs oxygen and without it, I can not ostvariti.Cilj cardio respiratory endurance is to build the capacity of each muscle to work more efficiently and recover more quickly at lower oxygen reserves.

with the exercise, one slowly builds up the body's ability to deliver more oxygen to muscles. To build this type of endurance exercise many times must use the large muscles and train them to work under different conditions.

a more intense workout, the heart starts to beat faster, as it has delivered more blood at a faster rate. However, the heart can not continue forever to beat rapidly and there is certainly a limit for all individuals. After exercise stops, the heart will slow down and your muscles will get a chance to rest and waste products will be removed. With time and your heart and muscles will quickly adapt to this effort, and quicker to recover the rest.

to build the cardio respiratory endurance, there are guidelines set by the American College of Sports Medicine. This suggests that an aerobic exercise was performed 10 to 60 minutes a day for 3-5 times a week. The name of the game is to start slow. They highly recommend that during the exercise to achieve heart rate training.

training heart rate is easily obtained as follows: Subtract your age from the number 220 and it will be of maximum heart rate. Then get 60% and 80% of that number. These numbers reflect the lower and upper data of your heart. You should try and stay in the middle. If the heart rate goes above or below these two figures, you should stop. Permanently resident in the requested zone heart rate, your cardio respiratory endurance will build immensely in a few months.

the easiest way to monitor your heart rate to know how to measure your pulse. At the wrist can be easily measured pulse and it should be a regular feature in your regimen vježbanja.Veliki number of products are also available to measure you pulse.

can make any type of exercise to increase your cardio respiratory endurance as sprinting, running, cycling or hodanje.Aktivnost selected need not be strenuous or difficult to improve your cardio respiratory endurance. Make the program fun and go slow, enjoy the type of exercise, because the path to the MMA has a long and difficult.

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