Rabu, 21 September 2011

Am I Overweight? - Use The BMI to Know It

Am I overweight? Am I fat? Should I lose weight?

I'm sure if you go out with some friends you ask them these questions.
And sometimes it can tend to endless debate.

I'm fat -. Now is not fat and so on

An important tool that can be used to calculate body mass index or short
But above all you must know what is overweight.

What is overweight

The principle of weight means you have more fat than it is useful for optimal working of the body.
. Weight is a common disease in developed countries

, although more and more people from third world countries are suffering from overweight as well.
Did you know that more than 60% of the United States is overweight and this number is increasing every year.

body mass index

In the 19th century Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet invented the body mass index

or the so-called Quetelet Index. It became popular in the eighties of the twentieth century,

definition of the index person's body mask individual weight divided by the square of his / her height.
There are three formulas for calculating body mass index.

SI unit

This is an international standard formula and is the most common way to calculate BMI.

weight in kilograms divided by height ² (m²)

USA unit

* 704.475 ((lb weight) / (height) ² (in ²))

UK mixed units

6.35 * ((Weight (stone) / height ² / m² )).

, so you know they know the formula to calculate body mass index to give it a try, you can easily do it yourself.

Do you have a solution now, but what with the results of what they tell you.

The results of BMI

Below 18.5: Underweight

from 18.5 to 24.9: normal

from 25.0 to 29.9: overweight

30.0 - +: Obese

If you have a BMI over 40 have the Extreme obesity.

may be a surprise, but in the United States there are more women then men, four percent to two percent of extreme obesity.

I have a 25 + BMI to help?

If you have 25 index mask body can not be shocked to go on a diet specialist and he / she will help you.
After a diet is not terrible at all, in fact you can still enjoy delicious foods.

However, if you have obesity is better to go to the doctor he / she can and will help.

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