Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Simple Love Handle Exercises for a Flatter Stomach

"love handles", "muffin tops", "spare tire", these are just some of the concepts that were given to the area around your waist where fat accumulates and spills down over the waist and sleeves. With the recent focus today on health and fitness, and phrases are no longer considered tenderness, but a wake-up call.

This has been the subject of most scientific studies that there is a direct correlation between the amount of fat around the stomach area and the risk of developing life-threatening cardiovascular problems and diabetes. With this in mind, most fitness regime now has to focus on reducing the amount of fat around the abdomen, and that includes the love handles. So, how does one begin to lose those annoying love handles?

Just like the "beer belly", the love handles can be reduced significantly by a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength-and a healthy diet. Cardiovascular exercise such as kickboxing and swimming are full-body workout, while running, jogging, stair climbing, cycling and more focused on lower body. Any other kind of exercise that can cause heart rate increase may be considered a cardio exercise, can significantly burn calories and fat melt away. It has been found in studies of daily cardiovascular routine as little as 20 to 30 minutes can significantly reduce the fat around the waist area.

The next step in a flatter stomach is to participate in a strength-training. This is the place where directed love handles exercises come in. The most common and easiest exercises for love handles is one of the bend. It involves just standing up straight with knees slightly bent and your feet apart, and then slowly lowering or "bending" the torso sideways. Hold this position for several seconds and then return to starting position. Do the same thing on the opposite side. Try not to bend backwards or forwards so that the trunk and legs in a row. It stretches and tones the muscles of the outer hair for a more defined waist.

Another one of those simple but very effective exercise love handles is the torso twist. This is achieved by standing upright with their legs stretched out in accordance with ramenima.Torzo then slightly twisted to one side while keeping your hips and legs firmly in place. Hold this position for several seconds and then return to starting position. Do the same thing again on the opposite side. This is aimed at the lateral abdominal muscles that are located on the side of the abdomen. It is important to note that these exercises should be done slowly and carefully, because too much and suddenly stretching and twisting can cause injury to those muscle groups.

twisting crunch is also another great way to trim down those love handles. It is just like a regular sit-ups or crunches, but with little variation. Instead of sitting straight up, reach your right elbow to left knee and then vice versa.

In addition to these exercises, healthy diet will also be a great way to reduce those calories and thus reduce the overall composition of body fat.

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